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About subscription

  • Stay Aware,Spark Bright!
  • £ 1,5
  • Have a great mindfulness week with full access to the SparkYourBloom library! Read and practice as much as you like and don’t forget that you can change your 7-day subscription for a longer one at any time.
  • Worry Less, Spark More!
  • £ 5
  • 30 days of mindfulness practice might change your lifestyle for good by creating new and fulfilling patterns. Enjoy full access to the SparkYourBloom library and work on that particular issue that you’d like to overcome. Let yourself guided through the process by our targeted exercises.
  • Peace of Mind, Spark Your Wellfulness
  • £ 45
  • Make it a fantastic year with full access to the SparkYourBloom library. Turn it into a life of wellfulness filled with awareness exercises, meditations, learnings and new experiences. May your spark shine brighter than ever!
  • Make It Your Legacy, Spark Forever
  • £ 95
  • This subscription granting full access, forever and ever, to the SparkYourBloom library, could be your sparkling legacy. You can use it for yourself till the end of time, you can gift it to somebody you love or you can pass it on to your children.