boost your mood

Boost Your Mood With Avocado!


Feeling blue and still need to boost your mood even though the sun is shining bright? The culprit here may be the spring asthenia, that comes with mood swings, negative feelings, a lack of energy and strong feelings of sadness.

When spring asthenia hits me, I follow two rules: meditate every day and sleep at least eight hours each night.


However, I recently discovered that avocado is a very powerful food when it comes to spring asthenia because it can give your mood a huge boost!


Avocado has been the top superfood for many years now. And for good reason: it’s packed with tons of healthy nutrients and antioxidants, it can reduce the risk of heart disease, it may boost brain health, could prevent osteoporosis, improves digestion and lowers the risk of depression.


More Evidence About Why Avocado Is Great To Boost Your Mood


Speaking of negative mood swings, avocado once again, has an answer. Here’s why: this super, green fruit is an excellent source of folate (also known as vitamin B9).

Wondering what folate is good for?

Research says that folate prevents the build-up of homocysteine, a chemical that can affect the delivery of essential nutrients to the brain. Further, high levels of homocysteine block the production of dopamine and serotonin, known as happiness hormones. In addition, avocado is packed with healthy fats (omega-3) that help to fight inflammation in the brain.

So this spring I have decided to focus on incorporating more avocado intor my diet.


Avocado Mixes Ideas



Eggs can be bland on their own, but throw a few slices of avocado into the equation and it will make a huge difference. My fav combination is scrambled eggs and guacamole – just put half a smashed avocado (with a hint of lime juice) onto a slice of bread, then top with scrambled eggs. DI-VINE.



Avocado blends perfectly with bananas, berries, mangos, pineapple, beets, cucumber or carrots. Remember to use half an avocado for one serving of smoothie. Additionally, always use an avocado that is very ripe. To get things off to a good start in the early hours of the morning, enjoy a filling avocado smoothie.



I love to add avocado to my salads because it makes them so much more satisfying. The winning combo for me is: avocado, sweet potatoes, baby spinach and pumpkin seeds. I can eat this salad for lunch and dinner in one single day!



I love putting a spoonful of mashed avocado on my toast, both on its own or combined with cherry tomatoes and garlic. It is also great to eat when I’m snacking veggies. I always eat an avocado based dip whilst I munch on my veggies. The secret is to add enough lime to your spread or dip, to add some acidity to the avocado’s simple flavour.



It is possible to make healthy, sweet foods using avocado, such as pudding, mousse or ice cream. You can also incorporate it into fillings for tarts or cakes. Don’t forget too, that avocado is a great replacement for dairy products like yogurt, cream or butter in healthy desserts. Speaking of a great way to boost your mood, how about this amazing avocado cheesecake recipe with green ingredients for opening the heart chakra?


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