Decluttering Tips For A Better Life
Have you been Marie Kondo’d too? Have you discovered the power of decluttering too? If not, we have some really life changing decluttering tips.
It may come as a surprise to know that this is the perfect time of the year to declutter. As the spring gets closer we set new goals, plans and dreams. It is the beginning of a new cycle. It makes perfect sense to rejuvenate other areas of our lives too.
March is a month of change. The nature’s rhythm changes, the temperature rises, our body enter a new phase. Whether you make new resolutions, plans, goals or just look forward to the warm season, spring comes with new, fresh, powerful energy.
Why Is Decluttering Our Space So Important?
As we think about the shape that we want the next months to take, we plan for more. We want bigger and better for ourselves, which always includes the mindset and energy that will get us there.
As much as we may want to kid ourselves that stuff lying around aids our improving mindset and energy, we know that that is not true.
So it makes sense that in our month of speaking truth and motivation to ourselves, we should be honest about our clutter.
If we can challenge ourselves to look after ourselves better, we can challenge ourselves to look after our surroundings better too.
We know that what we see does affect how we feel, so let’s ensure that our surroundings are tidy, streamlined and organised, so that we can feel good, positive and in control of our life.
Decluttering Tips
Begin by setting some simple goals for things that you can do every day to keep things tidy around the home, like putting away clothes immediately. Or washing the dishes as soon as we finished our meal.
Then set some longer term goals, such as clearing out a drawer or re-organising the contents of a shelf.
Plus, Marie Kondo has made decluttering hip and easy, check her out on Netflix and make a pact to start decluttering straight after the show!
Happy decluttering and…
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