emotional health

Go Green With Your Emotional Health!


We’re getting quite good at detoxing our bodies and decluttering our space, but what about emotional health?

We tend to ignore taking care of what is probably one of the key parts in living a happy life, detoxing our red emotions.

Being physically healthy is great, but is not enough. A successful career is also great, but is not enough. But, adding emotional health to that, it becomes enough.


What Does Emotional Health Mean And How To Achieve It


Emotional health is all about having the ability to become aware of overthinking and stopping it. Overthinking is our greatest enemy and keeps us captive in a whirlwind of negativity that constantly increases only to keep us more entrenched in victim mode.

But, our emotions, our handling! We have both the ability and the strength to take charge of our emotions and here is a fun, less intense way of doing it: the traffic light method!


The Traffic Light Detox Method


Some of you might already be using the traffic light method to keeping a healthy diet. So why not extend it to your emotional health? Traffic light method is simple: divide the foods intake depending on their impact on the health of the body:


  • Red – bad foods – stop having
  • Yellow – not the best, but not the worst – pay attention – have in moderation
  • Green – healthy and recommended – feel free to enjoy


We can apply the same principle when it comes to our feelings and our mental and emotional wellbeing:


  • Red emotions – negative emotions – fear, anxiety, discouragement, guilt, shame, blame, powerlessness, anger, jealousy – stop having.
  • Yellow emotions – frustration, boredom, pessimism, irritation, impatience, worry – have in moderation.
  • Green emotions – calm, excitement, positivity, joy, enthusiasm, passion, love, appreciation, empowerment – feel free to enjoy.


Wellfulness Through Mindfulness


Part of leaving a more mindful life and achieve a calmer state, is learning to identify how each emotion feels for you, both red emotions and green emotions, and become aware when you are experiencing it. Having this knowledge transfers the power back to you and gives you the strength to green those red emotions that work against you.


Emotional detox is just as necessary, if not more, as body detox and space declutter. It actually completes the circle.


Using the traffic light method can be a fun way to start dealing with those emotions that make living in your life less exciting and more challenging. It is also another way to successfully integrate mindfulness in your daily routine to achieve that state of wellfulness we all aspire to.

Why not make it part of the spring detox and, if you’re not already using the traffic light method for your food intake, combine the two and observe how much better you will feel.

To make it longer lasting and enhance the experience of your physical and emotional health, why not journal the transformation?


SparkYourBloom Today and Everyday!


Mihaela is a Cambridge certified executive coach who works with and advises board members, top-level executives and entrepreneurs seeking to excel in their career. Her client portfolio ranges from prestigious national to large international businesses.Her approach is focused on exploring personal and professional values, understanding aspirations, removing barriers and visualising the path to success. She hosted a top-ranking TV show and published two best-selling books dedicated to career success.