mediation on-the-go exercise

My Favourite Meditation On-The-Go Exercise


Sometimes, when I become too stressed to think clearly, I practice a meditation on-the-go exercise to calm my mind. It happens usually during difficult projects with very short deadlines, when I cannot find the time and/or the energy to fulfil my regular morning meditation routine.


My work implies interacting with lots of people and going to crowded places, long hours and constant focus. Every once in a while, I get overwhelmed.


As a solution to this pressing problem I found this meditation on-the-go exercise, which proved to be very effective. I recommend you experiment it too, whenever you’re feeling disconnected and airy, or you could make it a daily ritual. You can practice it on your way to the office, while strolling during weekends, or on holiday. The most important thing about this exercise is to bring your awareness into the present moment by playing with your senses. It’s easy, interesting and slightly different every time.


A Meditation On-The-Go Exercise Based on Senses


Sense 1: Sight – Become aware of 5 things you can see



Notice these things, describe them mentally. The key is to be objective. What does being objective mean? Mostly, defining these objects and/or people physically, by what you see, without using your emotions.
For example, if a building caches your eye, notice the number of floors, the size of the windows, its colour, whether it is an office or an apartment building.


Refrain from describing it using adjectives like beautiful, impressive, ugly or strange, which would be your personal view about it.


If a woman catches your attention, notice the colour of her skin, her hair colour, her height, her age, what she’s wearing, how she moves. Avoid labelling her as good looking, eccentric or business like. Focus exclusively on the physical attributes, refrain from going further with your judgment or trying to understand what could be found deeper than what meets the eye.

Sense 2: Hearing – Notice 4 things you can hear



Remember that objectivity is the key to this exercise. If a sound bothers you, don’t think it’s annoying. Rather name it loud or monotonous.

Maybe you can connect that sound with something specific: an ambulance, a police car, a horn, a hammer drill, a music style, a certain voice. In case you notice a bird song, follow it with your mind, be aware of the rhythm, dive into that song without questioning whether you like it or not.

Sense 3: Smell – Observe 3 scents that surround you



A fragrance, a flower aroma, the scent of a person sitting or walking besides you, the smell of gasoline, the odour of a market or store.

Don’t tell yourself that you like or not that smell, but link it to something particular, like food or a certain plant. Inhale and exhale a few times into that scent, regardless whether it’s pleasant or not.


Sense 4: Touch – Move your attention to your skin and notice 2 tactile sensations you feel.



Could be the breeze, a touch, the contact of your feet to the ground or the touch of your body to a chair. If you’re in a crowd, notice if you are being pushed or cramped.

Don’t get angry. Remember that this meditation on-the-go exercise is not about your feelings in a certain moment. It is about concentration and objectivity.


Sense 5: Taste – Pay attention to the taste in your mouth.



Maybe you’re eating (or just ate) something, or maybe you’re chewing gum. Maybe, if you’re on a very crowded boulevard, you can feel the metallic taste of emissions in your mouth. Or maybe you don’t feel any taste. Just notice it. Inhale and exhale a few more times.

Your meditation on-the-go exercise is now completed, and your mind is clear, sharp and focused.



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Radiana is an editorial and marketing content strategist and creator. She is inspired by the people she has been working with during her 20 years long publishing journey, as well as the people she meets while traveling and those part of her yoga practice.All her projects are driven by her passion and her commitment, becoming a member of each community she engages with.