mothers day gifts

Mother’s Day Out Of Your Comfort Zone Gifts

So here we are, again. New month, new gift expenditure. Or is it? Does the perfect gift for Mother’s Day need to add to your ever growing list of expenses?

Does Mother’s Day need to be another holiday that leaves us feeling burdened to overspend and keep up with the latest must-have, as dictated to us by social media trends? The funny thing is, when it comes to our mums, less is more. So be creative! We have a list of out of the box presents that can also make you step up out your comfort zone. A great way to practice mindfulness and really bond with your mother.


Why Out Of Our Comfort Zone Mother’s Day Gifts?


Because… Mums, mothers, mummy, whatever you call your mum – the word will conjure up, a wide range of strong emotions. They carried us for nine months and are still parenting us now, decades later, despite the fact that so many of us are now mums ourselves. It is a completely unique relationship.
Unique because they imagined us and the life that we would have for nine months, in some cases, more, if we were a long-time aspiration. Thus, they have strong ideas about how things should be for us and our lives.


These ideas can be the source of so much frustration for us, the child. Because of course, we do not exist to live out our parents’ fantasies.


Indeed, we arrived as an amazing little package with all kinds of dreams of our own inside. However, that truth is the journey for every parent to make, a distance that some find it harder to travel than others. In any case, when it comes to gift-giving for your mum, it is useful to travel a teensy bit along their bridge and indulge your mum’s wishes a little. No, I do not mean rushing out to marry the rich, super-square type of your mum’s dreams. I mean the little things that your mum mentions, that you don’t (ie. would rather not) usually have time for.


Special Presents


  1. Things like inviting your mum over for dinner, instead of going over to hers on the day, like you usually end up doing, because, well, she’s the better cook.
  2. Or taking your mum out to a nice park for the day that has beautiful flowers on display.
  3. Maybe see something super slushy at the cinema that you know she will love (although you would rather cut off your right arm than sit through such utter nonsense!).
  4. You could finally send her that photo of her grandchildren in a nice frame, that she has been nagging you about.
  5. Write her a sentimental poem, thanking her for her silent sacrifices over all these years.
  6. It could even simply be making the time to sit down and have a quality telephone call, if your mum is too far away.


Whatever it is, the most important Mother’s Day gifts does not have to cost anything at all. Just a little of you and your preferences. Maybe just for you to cross that bridge a teensy bit and indulge your mum’s dreams – just for a day.


SparkYourBloom Today And Everyday!


A vibrant lifestyle writer from London, Charlotte has been passionate about wellbeing and positivity for over twenty years. Beginning with a life-changing summer when she read the autobiographies of Oprah Winfrey and Maya Angelou at the age of thirteen, Charlotte’s desire to live ‘on purpose’ was set. Over the years, her journey has taken her through the books, blogs and videos of all the best, as well as many wonderful sessions of yoga, pilates and meditation. Charlotte is a busy freelancing mum, with a long career in education, training and writing.