What Is Mantra? Why Use It? How Does It Work? When to Use It?
Definition: Mantra is a Sanskrit word derived from two roots. Man (meaning “mind” or “to think”) and trai meaning to “protect”, to “free from”, or “instrument/tool”. Therefore, mantras are tools of the mind, or tools to free the mind.
What is Mantra?
Mantra is a sound that through repetition penetrates the depths of the unconscious mind. It purpose is to adjust the vibration of your being. During meditation mantra can be chanted aloud, repeated mentally or listened to.
The key is to experiment with the various ways of using the mantra to identify the one you feel most comfortable with.
Why Use a Mantra?
Feelings are conscious result of the vibrations that take place at an unconscious level. When the vibration takes place at a low level, our feelings are of sadness, unhappiness or unworthiness, as they are fed by fear. When the vibration takes place at a high level, we feel joy, gratitude and happiness, feelings that are generated by love.
Mantras vibrate on a high and have the power to rise your vibration from the deepest level. The process starts externally by focusing on the repetitive sound of the mantra. Its positive vibrations work internally to create a pattern that leads to profound changes at a deep level generating a new rhythm. Hence people feeling more peaceful, patient and joyous when practising meditation.
The key is in the repetition. Try Sat Nam mantra!
How Does Mantra Work?
You’ve already experienced how easily distracted the mind is. So when it comes to the practice of meditation, mantra simplifies the process. By staying focused on the mantra, you do not allow other thoughts or feelings to disturb your practice. You remain in that positive and peaceful state for the duration of your meditation.
The key is to continuously string together the ending of one mantra repetition to the beginning of the next.
When Should You Use a Mantra?
Although the use of mantra is initially recommended to beginners to ease the process of learning to meditate, it actually benefits the practitioner in more ways than one. At a conscious level it works as a tool to stay focused and keep any distractions away. But at an unconscious level it works on the vibrational level of the cellular body generating the benefits sought through meditation.
More experienced practitioners of meditation also develop the ability to recognise what areas need working on and use the mantras that best support raising those vibrations.
The key is to stay focused on your practice, make it part of your daily routine and stay aware of your feelings during the rest of the day.
Another great help in meditation are mala beads. They aid improve your practice by helping you find the pace of your chosen mantra.
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