creativity tools

Creativity Tools For So-Called Noncreative Jobs

Schooldays told us that creativity tools were for them not us. The creative ones.

Age teaches us different. We are all creative and we all need creativity tools to help us to problem solve, innovate, find fulfilment and pursue our passions. News to you? No problem: creativity can be learned and developed.


When we feel passionate about something, we will find a way. When we are committed to finding a solution, our creativity begins to flow. Regardless of how precise and far removed your profession of choice may seem from the more rigid definition of creativity that we often think of, we all have the capacity to be creative, if we feel strongly enough. Even the so-called noncreative jobs require a high level of creativity when it comes to making a difference.

Creativity is about broadening our horizons, about persistence, finding a way, believing in one’s own unique mind, understanding that our individual capacity is unlimited.


All wonderful traits to recognise and develop. These, indeed, are the stuff that has put the S in Silicone Valley and paved the streets of Wall Street in gold. Creativity filled those secret spaces in our leaders, entrepreneurs, gurus and inspirations, the stuff that makes us extra – ordinary.

To crush creativity is to numb ones individuality, to live without passion, drive and meaning. To leave potential untapped, dreams untouched and souls detached. As we release our creativity, we calm down, find peace, fulfilment, joy and intrigue. The essential ingredients that we need to live a life of wellfulness.


Creativity Tools To Work With

How to build creativity? Try these three top tools to build it for a more productive and limitless approach to work and home.


1. Disruption

Routine is banal, beige, dull, the opposite of all that life should be. It is the quickest route to becoming mechanical, jaded and unfulfilled. Disrupt the typical. Escape boredom and routine, try something new – often. From a new school of thought, to a new style of dress, a new sport, a different approach to the annual holiday, a perspective from the colleague who never contributes during discussions, a fresh way to address issues with your partner. The world is rich, wide and full of the new – don’t leave it untapped.


2. Consider all options

We rush – in all things. How many times have we gone with the first thing that we remember, or the quickest idea to pop into our mind? Only to realise, when it is too late, that actually there were some other options on the table. In recent years, there has been a growing move towards the value in evaluation.

In fact, if we step back and start at the beginning, a little more time spent on considering as many options as possible, from all angles and perspectives, can also lead to better, richer outcomes. There are a lot of helpful creativity tools to work with. From mind maps, to journals, graffiti walls, sticky walls, gap analysis, 5 Whys, mood boards and more, there are so many ways to spend quality time brainstorming as many options as possible, before you make a decision. Looks like a fun game. Yes, you are right. It is supposed to be both productive and fun. Being creative is being more efficient afterwards.


3. Recognising the brain as an entity

Modern education taught us that the right side of our brain was where it was at. Wrong. We have a left side, a middle and deep, un-discovered places that science has no name for. To reduce our brain to its right-side functioning, is to live unbalanced and incomplete.

We are complex beings with a complicated kaleidoscope of needs. Allow space for your left-brain and more to exercise and expand. Take a class, start a journal, watch a foreign film, go to a gallery, learn an instrument, restore a chair, climb, paint, doodle, laugh. Allow yourself to be all of who you are – to the max.


SparkYourBloom Today And Everyday!


A vibrant lifestyle writer from London, Charlotte has been passionate about wellbeing and positivity for over twenty years. Beginning with a life-changing summer when she read the autobiographies of Oprah Winfrey and Maya Angelou at the age of thirteen, Charlotte’s desire to live ‘on purpose’ was set. Over the years, her journey has taken her through the books, blogs and videos of all the best, as well as many wonderful sessions of yoga, pilates and meditation. Charlotte is a busy freelancing mum, with a long career in education, training and writing.