Happy Healthy Diet – Part II – Practice Kit


Every diet, even a healthy diet, comes with plenty of challenges. We talked already about the importance of the right mindset when starting a new nutritional plan. But, besides the mind playing games with us, there is also the body, fighting against new rules all the time.

Let’s say we’ve already figured out what is the real purpose of our decision to get in shape. Let’s say we are really committed to it. We empowered ourselves to overcome most of the negative feelings related to starting a diet. Maybe we are actually seeing some physical results.


But, as the days pass, our enthusiasm diminishes. We might experience stress, fatigue, insomnia, mood swings. This time, it’s not only our mind talking to us, but also our body. It craves sugar, fats, carbs – all the bad old habits it was accustomed with.


There’s a lot of body chemistry working against us. Sometimes the slightest relapse triggers feelings of shame and guilt and probably, if repeated, adds the weight back on. Here comes disappointment, low self-esteem, even depression.

That’s why dieting is both a matter of nutrition and mindfulness. It needs the right mindset but also a stressless atmosphere. Stress is often related to compulsive eating and, during this phase, any stress triggers might be really unnerving.


While on a Healthy Diet, Balance Is Everything


Most probably, together with the new diet, you also started physical training, hence you are anxious to see the results. The only thing you have to be aware of is not pushing your body too far too soon on this new journey. Some patience is needed. As your mind is already working on big issues, your body might become exhausted with daily workouts. You might feel drained of energy instead of getting the most out of your training.


Therefore, you have to slow down and learn how to compensate and support this huge amount of effort you put in this change.


Rushing things is not a viable long-term solution. And you don’t want to give up as a consequence of exhaustion. In order to keep on track with your new lifestyle, you need to enjoy it. Use any help to make your body feel better and trick your mind to shift attention from hunger, muscle pain and soreness to the good parts: a flat abdomen, no more water retention, beautiful skin. That’s why put together a diet support kit. Enjoy it!


Setting the Right Stressless Atmosphere


1. Before anything else, make sure you sleep well.

Stress is the main cause for insomnia and low-quality sleep. Lack of sleep makes you grumpy and hungry. So, if your mind is not at peace, your body will pay the check after all. Besides a daily meditation for good sleep, you can also try a natural remedy: Deep Sleep Pillow Spray – a calming and relaxing mist that helps you fall asleep faster and wake up more refreshed.


healthy diet deep sleep pillow


2. Boost your metabolism

Have a cup or two a day of the Finest Organic Matcha Green Tea, famous for boosting metabolism. A rushing metabolism means that your body works at high speed digesting food and turning it into energy.


healthy diet macha tea metabolism boost


3. No More Negative Thinking

In order to get used to thinking positively about your diet and let go of stressful thoughts, have a mindfulness cards’ collection at hand. Read one card every morning, think about it for a few minutes.

My favourite collection is Stress Less Cards set: based on NLP techniques and mindfulness exercises, this 50 cards set is recommended by doctors, psychologists and trainers.


heathy diet stress less 50 cards


4. Body Beautiful

Post workouts or before going to bed, spoil yourself with a nice relaxing bath. Give your body some extra help to feel better and look great with a special bath salt.

Westlab Epson Salt works perfectly for relaxing tired and aching muscles and improve the quality of the skin.


healthy diet bath salts epson salt


And, of course, since you’re on a healthy diet, eat mindfully!


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Radiana is an editorial and marketing content strategist and creator. She is inspired by the people she has been working with during her 20 years long publishing journey, as well as the people she meets while traveling and those part of her yoga practice.All her projects are driven by her passion and her commitment, becoming a member of each community she engages with.