problems into questions

The Positive Effect Of Turning Problems Into Questions

This post is dedicated to everyone opened to an experiment: turning problems into questions. Not into solutions, but into questions. There is a difference, actually a big one.

If you read my other posts, you probably know by now that I had a pretty rough time for about a year. A year that actually proved to be the best so far in terms of my personal development, discovering who I am and, most of all, accepting, loving and honouring who I am.

I’ve learnt many valuable lessons, some of which I’m sharing here with you. But if I were to choose one that really made a difference, it would probably be switching my mindset from having a problem to having a question. And then finding a solution to receiving an answer.


Turning Problems Into Questions Helps Us Wonders


Might seem like not much of a difference at first, but the difference is actually quite meaningful at a much deeper level than it seems. Let me explain.

Problems and solutions are two words that carry a negative charge. Just by merely saying I/we have a problem triggers our fight or flight mode. This leads us to either putting on a brave face and trying to find solutions or we enter the flight mode and block whatever is going on in an attempt to protect ourselves. Either way we subconsciously act based on fear.


Questions, on the other hand, have a positive charge and trigger the desire to have answers based on curiosity, based on a desire to learn, hence the answers come from a place of love.


Furthermore, when someone says I have a question for you, we immediately feel good, feel appreciated and valued. So the brain is flooded with pheromones, we feel good, so our answers come from a place of love.

Give it a go yourself! Next time you face a situation that you regard as a barrier, think of it as a problem and notice how you feel.

Then take a minute and reframe it as a question and pay attention to how your feelings have changed. Not only you will feel a lot more positive and calm, you will also have a lot more fun in the process of finding/allowing the answers to come to you.


We have also a list of thought-provoking questions that you may want to ask yourself. Trust us, it is a great exercise!


Spark Your Bloom Today and Everyday!



Mihaela is a Cambridge certified executive coach who works with and advises board members, top-level executives and entrepreneurs seeking to excel in their career. Her client portfolio ranges from prestigious national to large international businesses.Her approach is focused on exploring personal and professional values, understanding aspirations, removing barriers and visualising the path to success. She hosted a top-ranking TV show and published two best-selling books dedicated to career success.